Understanding Insight Services

Well it’s a long time since I added to this blog …

An interaction on LInedIn prompted me to do something I’ve intended for a long time: to begin the process of sharing the analysis I created of the insight services sector in IT (“Research services” “the analysts” or other categorisations). I came at this from the perspective of an enterprise user of these services, and there is very little out there looking towards or coming from that perspective.

I’ve extracted the section on understanding the industry structure. There’s an important warning. This material was created in 2008 and a lot of things have changed since. I’ve worked it through to make a few things clearer and remove (most) spelling errors. But I have not attempted to update my examples, and my knowledge of the actual companies and their offerings has not been kept up to date. So caveat emptor, as they say. But I do think the analysis stands.

I’ve added a short introduction and I’ve said that I wouldn’t assert copyright for use within readers’ own companies. But if anyone wants to use it in a serious commercial offering, please get in touch!

You can find the document on LinkedIn on this link.

Enjoy … and comment if it’s useful!